My goal is to become more positive. Here is my start. . .
10 positive things
About my husband
1. He makes me laugh every single day, sometimes even when I'm mad.
2. He asked me slow dance to George Michael last night, during the newsletter. We did.
3. He is a fun Daddy - did your Dad ever paint his team's name on your belly?
4. He finds a way to tell me I am pretty almost every day.
5. He is smart, but don't tell him I said that.
6. He is sexy and handsome (you can tell him I said that).
7. He has his own cowbell and it has a purpose.
8. He always drives.
9. He respects my AUTHOR-IT-EYE.
10. He does the dishes (usually).
About my kids
1. They are so freakin' cute. I mean really pretty/handsome children.
2. They like to play while listening to movie soundtracks (it is funny).
3. Yesterday they asked me "what did you learn today?"
4. Jack says "OH MY GOD!"
5. They like to go on walks with me.
6. They tell me I'm a good cook. And they like to cook with me.
7. They invent things (scary things).
8. They love each other.
9. They make us say a prayer before dinner.
10. They are my excuse to watch movies with talking animals.
About my job
1. Are you kidding? I work at a record store. In the most beautiful town in Texas.
2. I meet the coolest, most interesting people. Sometimes they play music at my store. Billy Joe Shaver!
3. I learn about new good music EVERYDAY!
4. I now work on a Magazine (journalism - full circle).
5. I work with the funnest, craziest people.
6. Walt Wilkins is mandatory meeting night. BEAT THAT!
7. I have a personal assistant (think Karen Walker).
8. I help indie peeps get their start.
9. I work with my husband.
10. I can arrange my schedule to work for my family life.
Currently listening: The Californian By Bob Schneider

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